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  • Vanilla from Denmark, vertical prison rehabilitation, Siemens supplies the Middle East and Signify reports a drop in sales

Vanilla from Denmark, vertical prison rehabilitation, Siemens supplies the Middle East and Signify reports a drop in sales

🌿Vertical Farming Weekly - May 6, 2023

Hello VFW Readers!

A brief introduction: I’m Natasha, I have just joined the team and am super excited to be bringing you the latest news in the vertical farming world.

I love the industry for its potential to combat food insecurity and am always eager to learn more about the latest advancements in the space so without further ado…

This Week in CEA…

Season 8 latest episodes

We’re super grateful to be partnering again with the Cultivatd team on the launch of Season 8. We have not only one, but two episodes which have dropped.

In this episode, Marcos Enriquez, Founder of ISIFarmer, discusses his passion for vertical farming and his company's innovative approach to urban farming. He focuses on the challenges and opportunities of their urban farmer co-working platform, SI Farmer, which aims to provide fresh, healthy, and locally grown produce to urban consumers. Marcos explains how ISIFarmer is leading the charge in the vertical farming movement by using a box theory to create a controlled environment for each farmer, partnering with suppliers, and training farmers for consistent quality. He also shares his vision for expanding the business and scaling it in different cities and places where there is a demand for locally grown products.

This episode we are joined by Daphne Preuss, the founder and CEO of CarbonBook, on an inspiring journey to make the world a greener place. As an experienced entrepreneur and sustainability advocate, she shares valuable insights on reducing carbon emissions in the vertical farming space. Discover the secrets of sustainable agriculture, learn how to manage carbon footprints, and explore the opportunities available in this growing industry. From understanding soil health to rethinking fertilizer use, Daphne offers detailed guidance on making vertical farming more environmentally friendly. Tune in to hear her inspiring story and find out how you can get involved in creating a more sustainable future.

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Building Community

With all the messages we receive from those already established in vertical farming as well as those just beginning to explore this amazing industry, it felt like the right time to create a group on LinkedIn. No surprise, it’s called the Vertical Farming Community! Join us and spread the word.

Platinum Sponsor

If you are starting a vertical farm and don’t know where to begin, or which technology would suit your needs, Cultivatd can help. As indoor farm brokers, they help connect you to the right technology and ensure your project is successful. Best of all, their service is free. They work on behalf of their partners.

Support Our Sponsors!

IndoorAgTech NYC
(use ‘VFP’ for a 10% discount)

Vertical Farming Jobs

We’ve been hearing from fans of the show that there was a need to connect employers and job seekers alike. If you’re looking for candidates or a career in CEA VerticalFarmingJobs.com is the place to find them.

CEA Events

Our newest addition to the Vertical Farming family! Feel free to share and add any CEA-related event if you don’t see it listed. https://cea.events


or to participate.