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Seasony Secures Grant for AI Enabled Tech, Growy to Construct New Farm, Grodan and Fluence Collaborate

🌿Vertical Farming Weekly - October 07, 2023

This Week in CEA…

Season 9 of the Vertical Farming Podcast

Ever sought the thrill of leaving the mundane behind to explore the world, only to land in the fascinating field of agriculture? Join us as we sit down with Chris Rawley, the founder and CEO of Harvest Returns, who did exactly that. Combining his experiences as a Navy veteran, a globe-trotter, and a commercial real estate investor, Chris shares his journey to bridging the gap between investors and farmers through his platform. Listen in as he delves into the transformation of farming practices due to climate change and technology.

Venture with Chris as he transports us through his travels across 60 countries, sharing meals and connecting with locals. His travel tales are not only intriguing but also shed light on the stark dichotomy between food systems in developed and less fortunate countries. His stories from the open seas are captivating and humbling, reminding us of the raw beauty and power of nature. Moreover, his observations have shaped his current work in sustainable agriculture and vertical farming.

In the realm of agriculture, every turn comes with its own set of challenges. Chris candidly discusses the hurdles faced in financing agriculture and the necessity of building trust in the industry. From developing different financing structures for farms to fostering relationships with different cultures, he's done it all. He also shares his insights into the struggles and triumphs of vertical farming. As we wrap up our conversation, Chris emphasizes the importance of sustainability, risk management, and investor education in farming. This intriguing conversation with Chris promises to illuminate you on the complexities and rewards of farming and sustainable agriculture. Don't miss out!

Building Community

With all the messages we receive from those already established in vertical farming as well as those just beginning to explore this amazing industry, it felt like the right time to create a group on LinkedIn. No surprise, it’s called the Vertical Farming Community! Join us and spread the word.

Platinum Sponsor

Their dedicated team of specialists provides best-in-class social media marketing for a fraction of what it would take to build and hire a team in-house. Learn more at agtechmarketingteam.com

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Vertical Farming Jobs

We’ve been hearing from fans of the show that there was a need to connect employers and job seekers alike. If you’re looking for candidates or a career in CEA VerticalFarmingJobs.com is the place to find them.

CEA Events

Our newest addition to the Vertical Farming family! Feel free to share and add any CEA-related event if you don’t see it listed. https://cea.events


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