Rethinking Urban Spaces With Modular Solutions

Exploring ORIGEEN's VPOT System: A Look at Vertical Farming Technology and Its Role in Urban Sustainability in Mexico

Urbanization, a global phenomenon, has ushered in a range of complex challenges, including environmental degradation, scarcity of water, pollution, reduced green spaces, and poor air quality. These concerns have led to a global push toward sustainable solutions. One such solution is Mexico's ORIGEEN's VPOT system, a modular platform for urban agriculture that embodies the startup's philosophy: “Origeen emerges from the idea of returning to nature what humans have occupied by adapting to what already exists and creating more green spaces.”

VPOT: Features and Functionality

VPOT is designed to enable the growth of green leafy vegetables in various indoor, outdoor, and vertical spaces, illustrating the system's adaptability. It can be installed on walls or structures, and its irrigation system can adapt to hydroponic or drip methods. A notable example of VPOT's versatility is its upcoming installation in the walls of a hall of the first hotel Dune in Mexico and Tulum with its own hydroponic vertical system and a controlled environment. This includes natural light and GE lamps, set to be implemented in August of this year in a 5-star boutique hotel. Visitors to Tulum will have the opportunity to see VPOT in action, reflecting the system's capacity to transform spaces into food-producing, sustainable solutions for companies, restaurants, hotels, universities, etc.

Made from 100% recycled plastics, VPOT claims to emphasize sustainability through its material choice and recircle irrigation system. However, the effectiveness and environmental benefits of using recycled plastics in agriculture are areas that could benefit from more comprehensive research and validation.

Vertical Farming: A Growing Market

The vertical farming market, which includes systems like VPOT, is projected to reach $24.11 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 22.9% from 2021 to 2030. While this growth indicates interest in the field, it raises questions about scalability, long-term sustainability, and the potential impact on traditional farming practices.

Social and Environmental Considerations

ORIGEEN, a Mexican startup, presents its product as part of a broader mission to impact social, environmental, and economic spheres. They emphasize food security, psychological benefits, preserving natural resources, and circular economy principles. While these goals align with broader sustainability movements, quantifiable metrics and third-party validations of these impacts remain crucial for a complete understanding of the system's effectiveness.

Accomplishments and Future Projections

ORIGEEN's accomplishments include implementations in various communities and participation in industry events. The company plans further expansions, but monitoring these developments will be essential to assess the scalability and real-world efficiency of the VPOT system. Additionally, ORIGEEN offers a “Do It Yourself” e-commerce kit. The accessibility and practicality of this product for average consumers remain areas for exploration and potential scrutiny.


Urban farming and solutions like Mexico's ORIGEEN's VPOT system have emerged as possible responses to the challenges of urbanization. However, a comprehensive understanding of these solutions requires critically examining their features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

The VPOT system presents a compelling concept in urban agriculture, yet its long-term impact on urban sustainability, the environment, and social well-being requires ongoing analysis and empirical evidence. In the rapidly evolving landscape of urban farming, innovations like VPOT offer promising avenues for exploration. Still, their place in the future of sustainable urban living must be evaluated with objectivity and a consideration of the broader context. With new and exciting installations such as the one in Tulum, VPOT is becoming a visible symbol of the potential for urban spaces to contribute to a more sustainable world.


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